StarFab 購物詐騙聲明公告

近期發現有購物網站擅自張貼本公司活動照片進行商品宣傳販售,特此鄭重聲明StarFab Accelerator並未授權予任何購物網站業者使用本公司活動照片


導入新創力量 共創台灣智慧製造優勢






全球AI百隊南科競技 立達軟體科技勇奪首獎300萬

由科技部南部科學工業園區管理局主辦「TAIRA Final Pitch」,6月15日於南科管理局熱烈登場

雲協與StarFab加速器正式啟動「伯樂匯」 協助優質新創

雲協與StarFab加速器正式啟動「伯樂匯」 協助優質新創

台灣雲端物聯網產業協會x StarFab新創主題館於2018台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX)InnoVEX 新創特區,以「未來智慧科技生活」為主軸隆重登場,其中包括智慧居家、智慧零售、智慧生活三大面向呈現。

Why Taiwan is set to become Asia’s hotbed for AI development

Organisations such as Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP) have launched initiatives to accelerate the development of AI and robotics

StarFab inks partnership with TOP100 to accelerate AI growth in Asia

Organised by e27, the TOP100 programme will provide global startups looking to expand in APAC with a launchpad to success – regardless of industry!

Corporate Innovation Accelerators are Reshaping the Taiwan Startup Scene

Meet Taipei 2017 on how the recent help from the ‘big guns’ has the Taiwan startup ecosystem poised to skyrocket.

StarFab Meetup: Going Global

During our highly anticipated StarFab Meetup yesterday, two speakers with plenty of experience abroad came to share on how to reach an international audience, and breaking into the global market.

StarFab x Southern Taiwan Science Park

StarFab officially enters southern Taiwan!

【Business Matching Session #2|The SYSCOM Group】

2nd business matching session on May 26, we arranged the general manager Mr. Liu and 3 directors of The SYSCOM Group to meet 5 startups

Highest Co-Working Space in Taiwan - 101-Cloud

Highest Co-Working Space in Taiwan – 101-Cloud

StarFab is partnering up with 101-Cloud 台北101創聚雲, to provide startups stationed in the highest co-working space in Taiwan a chance to accelerate growth …….

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