- 最新消息
Fast-track your startup growth in Southern Taiwan with TAIRA’s corporate innovation
See how TAIRA 2019 (Taiwan AI x Robotics Accelerator) bridges the gap between corporates and startups in Southern Taiwan
TAIRA 2019 sets the stage for global AI startups to expand in Southern Taiwan
With resounding success and huge demands in Taiwan, TAIRA 2019 is designed to bring in global AI startups to grow and explore business opportunities with corporations in Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP)
StarFab 購物詐騙聲明公告
近期發現有購物網站擅自張貼本公司活動照片進行商品宣傳販售,特此鄭重聲明StarFab Accelerator並未授權予任何購物網站業者使用本公司活動照片
雲協與StarFab加速器正式啟動「伯樂匯」 協助優質新創
台灣雲端物聯網產業協會x StarFab新創主題館於2018台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX)InnoVEX 新創特區,以「未來智慧科技生活」為主軸隆重登場,其中包括智慧居家、智慧零售、智慧生活三大面向呈現。
Why Taiwan is set to become Asia’s hotbed for AI development
Organisations such as Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP) have launched initiatives to accelerate the development of AI and robotics
StarFab inks partnership with TOP100 to accelerate AI growth in Asia
Organised by e27, the TOP100 programme will provide global startups looking to expand in APAC with a launchpad to success – regardless of industry!